The use of meteorological radars in hydrological modeling is a tool that is becoming more important each day throughout the world. In order to validate its use in hydrological modeling, a study was carried out in the sub-watershed of the Mixcoac river, in the western region of the valley of Mexico, over an area of 31.5 km2. Rainfall data were estimated by the meteorological radar on Catedral hill, 35 km away from the watershed and from the rain gaUges network operated by the Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México (78 rain gauges). The study generated a lumped model of the rainfall-runoff type with input from radar and pluviograph data for calibration. The use of weather radars is shown to be an alternative in the generation of hydrological models. The model was used to prove the goodness of radar data in linear hydrological models of the input-output type.