One of the basic types of portfolio valuation as well as valuation of individual company shares is the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing) model, which uses a well-known measure of systemic risk in its analysis, which is beta. The CAPM model in its analysis uses the link between the systemic risk measure (beta) and the expected market return. Guided by this model, the analysis of monthly returns of selected shares on the Belgrade Stock Exchange in the period from 2011 to 2021 was performed in this research. In the research, the beta coefficient of selected shares was calculated with the help of the covariance of market return and stock return. The results and their statistical value were confirmed by the linear regression test. The rest of the research tests the applicability of the CAPM model to selected actions and in the same way, the SML (security market line) is devised, which is a graphical representation of the model. The research indicated that the basic assumptions of the CAPM model are not applicable as a predictor of future expected returns of selected shares on the Belgrade Stock Exchange due to various other elements that affect price movements and returns of selected shares not covered by the model.