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Inicio  /  Coatings  /  Vol: 7 Núm: 1 Par: January (2017)  /  Artículo

Shape Memory and Huge Superelasticity in Ni?Mn?Ga Glass-Coated Fibers

Lei Shao    
Yangyong Zhao    
Alejandro Jiménez    
Manuel Vázquez and Yong Zhang    


Ni?Mn?Ga polycrystalline alloy fibers with diameters of 33 µm are reported to exhibit significantly improved ductility and huge superelastic and shape memory strains in comparison to conventional brittle bulk polycrystalline alloys. Particularly, the recoverable strain of the Ni54.9?Mn23.5?Ga21.6 fiber can be as high as 10% at 40 °C. Such optimized behavior has been achieved by a suitable fabrication process via a glass-coating melt spinning method. The superelastic properties at different temperatures and the shape memory effect of Ni54.9?Mn23.5?Ga21.6 fibers were investigated.

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