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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 4 Núm: 2 Par: June (2017)  /  Artículo

Assessment of CFD Capability for Hypersonic Shock Wave Laminar Boundary Layer Interactions

Mehrnaz Rouhi Youssefi and Doyle Knight    


The goal of this study is to assess CFD capability for the prediction of shock wave laminar boundary layer interactions at hypersonic velocities. More specifically, the flow field over a double-cone configuration is simulated using both perfect gas and non-equilibrium Navier?Stokes models. Computations are compared with recent experimental data obtained from measurements conducted in the LENS XX (Large Energy National Shock Expansion Tunnel Version 2) at the Calspan University of Buffalo Research Center (CUBRC). Four separate cases of freestream conditions are simulated to examine the models for a range of stagnation enthalpies from 5.44 MJ/kg to 21.77 MJ/kg and Mach numbers from 10.9 to 12.82.

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