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Inicio  /  Agronomy  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 6 Par: June (2018)  /  Artículo

?Alperujo? Compost Improves the Ascorbate (Vitamin C) Content in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruits and Influences Their Oxidative Metabolism

Germán Tortosa    
Salvador González-Gordo    
Carmelo Ruiz    
Eulogio J. Bedmar and José M. Palma    


“Alperujo” compost was evaluated as an organic fertiliser for pepper growth under greenhouse conditions. Even though the total nitrogen applied was similar, plants only grown with composts experienced a development decline as compared to those grown with standard nutrient solution. This was perhaps because nitrogen from the compost was essentially organic, and not easily available for roots. When, alternatively, the compost was supplemented with nitrate, a synergetic effect was observed, favouring plant development and fruit yield, simultaneously with the increase of compost rates. Compost affected the oxidative metabolism of pepper plants by increasing their antioxidative enzyme activities catalase and superoxide dismutases and the non-enzymatic antioxidants ascorbate and glutathione. Overall, when nitrogen limitation occurred and only compost was used as fertiliser, an oxidative stress took place, whereas in plants grown with nitrate-supplemented compost it did not. Furthermore, these pepper plants experienced a yield increase and, more importantly, an enhancement of the ascorbate content.

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