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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 12 Par: Decembe (2018)  /  Artículo

Implementation of a Fracture Modeling Strategy Based on Georadar Survey in a Large Area of Limestone Quarry Bench

Mohamed Elkarmoty    
Francesco Tinti    
Sara Kasmaeeyazdi    
Fabio Giannino    
Stefano Bonduà and Roberto Bruno    


Rock mass fractures adversely affect the cutting of commercial-size blocks and cause rock material loss in ornamental stone quarries. In order to obtain a reliable evaluation and an optimized production of ornamental stone deposits, it is fundamental to detect fractures in a non-destructive manner identifying them through 3D deterministic modeling. In this study, a recently published fracture modeling strategy, based on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was implemented on a large area of bench (27.0 m × 65.0 m) in a limestone quarry in Italy. The survey was done using a dual-frequency GPR system (250 MHz and 700 MHz). The objective of this work was to investigate the large-scale applicability of the mentioned fracture model for future consideration in quarrying optimization studies. Only the 700 MHz radargrams were considered for the fracture modeling, as they provided a higher resolution than the 250 MHz radargrams and a penetration depth of about 4.0 m. The bulk dielectric constant of the rock mass of the bench was estimated by averaging the velocities obtained from fitting the hyperbolic diffractions of fractures at different depths. The model showed that fractures from the same family set can have noticeable spatial variations. The results allowed us to roughly estimate the sizes of the blocks exploitable from the different rock layers of the quarry bench.

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