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Inicio  /  Geosciences  /  Vol: 8 Núm: 1 Par: January (2018)  /  Artículo

Development of a Tsunami Inundation Analysis Model for Urban Areas Using a Porous Body Model

Kei Yamashita    
Anawat Suppasri    
Yusuke Oishi and Fumihiko Imamura    


To evaluate tsunami hazards with strong locality in urban areas, this study developed a novel tsunami inundation model based on nonlinear shallow water wave equations and a porous body model (PBM). By applying a kinematic boundary condition that includes both porosity and surface permeability of the porous medium, the proposed model could accurately incorporate geometric effects such as the flow anisotropy caused by the distributions of buildings. The proposed PBM demonstrated as good accuracy for the inundation heights around buildings near the coastline as with a conventional three-dimensional simulation with high resolution. In addition, the model showed its capability to reproduce a tsunami?s essential behaviors in urban areas. In particular, the amplification effect of flow velocity along straight roads surrounded by buildings was reasonably reproduced. It can be expected that the present model can become a useful tool to accurately evaluate the tsunami risks in urban areas.

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