Artificial intelligence, which is the indispensable technology of our age, has started to gain a place in many institutions. Institutions give great importance to human resources management because hiring the right employee for the job will increase productivity within the organization. When recruiting personnel for the position, human resources face difficulties such as measuring the success levels of applicants and deciding whether they are suitable. In this study, in order to provide solutions to the difficulties encountered, a decision-making mechanism is created by using the fuzzy logic method, which is one of the artificial intelligence techniques. This decision-making mechanism measures the performance of people applying for recruitment. While measuring performance, all applications are taken into consideration, and a rule base is formed according to graduation status and experience. The system, which is based on this rule base, evaluates people according to the inputs and finds out their success levels in return. According to the results, it is decided whether the persons are suitable for the position sought. When human resources departments in corporations are combined with artificial intelligence technologies, an advantage will be achieved in the competitive environment between corporations.