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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Intelligent Maneuver Strategy for a Hypersonic Pursuit-Evasion Game Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

Yunhe Guo    
Zijian Jiang    
Hanqiao Huang    
Hongjia Fan and Weiye Weng    


In order to improve the problem of overly relying on situational information, high computational power requirements, and weak adaptability of traditional maneuver methods used by hypersonic vehicles (HV), an intelligent maneuver strategy combining deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and deep neural network (DNN) is proposed to solve the hypersonic pursuit?evasion (PE) game problem under tough head-on situations. The twin delayed deep deterministic (TD3) gradient strategy algorithm is utilized to explore potential maneuver instructions, the DNN is used to fit to broaden application scenarios, and the intelligent maneuver strategy is generated with the initial situation of both the pursuit and evasion sides as the input and the maneuver game overload of the HV as the output. In addition, the experience pool classification strategy is proposed to improve the training convergence and rate of the TD3 algorithm. A set of reward functions is designed to achieve adaptive adjustment of evasion miss distance and energy consumption under different initial situations. The simulation results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the above intelligent maneuver strategy in dealing with the PE game problem of HV under difficult situations, and the proposed improvement strategies are validated as well.

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