Prognostic techniques attempt to predict the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a subsystem or a component. Such techniques often use sensor data which are periodically measured and recorded into a time series data set. Such multivariate data sets form complex and non-linear inter-dependencies through recorded time steps and between sensors. Many current existing algorithms for prognostic purposes starts to explore Deep Neural Network (DNN) and its effectiveness in the field. Although Deep Learning (DL) techniques outperform the traditional prognostic algorithms, the networks are generally complex to deploy or train. This paper proposes a Multi-variable Time Series (MTS) focused approach to prognostics that implements a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with attention mechanism. The convolution filters work to extract the abstract temporal patterns from the multiple time series, while the attention mechanisms review the information across the time axis and select the relevant information. The results suggest that the proposed method not only produces a superior accuracy of RUL estimation but it also trains many folds faster than the reported works. The superiority of deploying the network is also demonstrated on a lightweight hardware platform by not just being much compact, but also more efficient for the resource restricted environment.