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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 8 Par: 11 (2021)  /  Artículo

Development of a 6-DOF Testing Platform for Multirotor Flying Vehicles with Suspended Loads

Saad M. S. Mukras and Hanafy M. Omar    


The development of multirotor vehicles can often be a dangerous and costly undertaking due to the possibility of crashes resulting from faulty controllers. The matter of safety in such activities has primarily been addressed through the use of testbeds. However, testbeds for testing multirotor vehicles with suspended loads have previously not been reported. In this study, a simple yet novel testing platform was designed and built to aid in testing and evaluating the performances of multirotor flying vehicles, including vehicles with suspended loads. The platform allows the flying vehicle to move with all six degrees of freedom (DOF). Single or three-DOF motions can also be performed. Moreover, the platform was designed to enable the determination of the mass properties (center of mass and moments of inertia) of small multirotor vehicles (which are usually required in the development of new control systems). The applicability of the test platform for the in-flight performance testing of a multirotor vehicle was successfully demonstrated using a Holybro X500 quadcopter with a suspended load. The test platform was also successfully used to determine the mass properties of the vehicle.

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