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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

A Turbulent Inflow Generation Method for the LES of High Re Flow by Scaling Low Re Flow Data

Lei Luo and Honghu Ji    


The rescaling?recycling method (RRM) is usually used to generate turbulent inflow for the LES of compressible wall-bounded flows, which can lead to relatively high computational cost for high Re flows since the mesh resolution increases exponentially with Re number. A turbulent inflow generation method based on the scaling of low Re flow, referred as TIG-LowRe, is proposed, aiming at reducing the computational cost when applying the RRM. To validate the proposed method, the TIG-LowRe method was applied to generate turbulent inflow for the LES of a non-isothermal round jet flow at Re = 86,000. Two cases were carried out with the inflow generated based on two round pipe flows at Re = 10,000 and 24,000. The results show that the mean and fluctuating temperatures of the two cases agree well with the experimental data. In the case of low Re flow at Re = 10,000, the jet flow decays too fast along the axial direction, the mean and fluctuating axial velocities are over-predicted and the radial fluctuating velocity is under-predicted. By increasing the Re of the low Re flow to 24,000, the decay rate of the jet flow decreases and the accuracies of the mean and fluctuating axial velocities are obviously improved, while the radial fluctuating velocity shifts further away from the experimental data. The main reason for the difference between the two cases is that more fine turbulent structure of the inflow in case-Re10000 is lost than in case-Re24000 during the turbulence generation process.

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