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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 5 (2023)  /  Artículo

A Geometrical, Reachable Set Approach for Constrained Pursuit?Evasion Games with Multiple Pursuers and Evaders

Olli Jansson and Matthew W. Harris    


This paper presents a solution strategy for deterministic time-optimal pursuit?evasion games with linear state constraints, convex control constraints, and linear dynamics that is consistent with linearized relative orbital motion models such as the Clohessy?Wiltshire equations and relative orbital elements. The strategy first generates polytopic inner approximations of the players? reachable sets by solving a sequence of convex programs. A bisection method then computes the optimal termination time, which is the least time at which a set containment condition is satisfied. The pursuit?evasion games considered are games with (1) a single pursuer and single evader, (2) multiple pursuers and a single evader, and (3) a single pursuer and multiple evaders. Compared to variational methods, this reachable set strategy leads to a tractable formulation even when there are state and control constraints. The efficacy of the strategy is demonstrated in three numerical simulations for a constellation of satellites in close proximity in low earth orbit.

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