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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 8 Par: 12 (2021)  /  Artículo

Spatiotemporal Graph Indicators for Air Traffic Complexity Analysis

Ralvi Isufaj    
Thimjo Koca and Miquel Angel Piera    


There has been extensive research in formalising air traffic complexity, but existing works focus mainly on a metric to tie down the peak air traffic controllers workload rather than a dynamic approach to complexity that could guide both strategical, pre-tactical and tactical actions for a smooth flow of aircraft. In this paper, aircraft interdependencies are formalized using graph theory and four complexity indicators are described, which combine spatiotemporal topological information with the severity of the interdependencies. These indicators can be used to predict the dynamic evolution of complexity, by not giving one single score, but measuring complexity in a time window. Results show that these indicators can capture complex spatiotemporal areas in a sector and give a detailed and nuanced view of sector complexity.

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