Most existing aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) studies do not take the balanced pitching moment into account and thus the optimized configuration has to be trimmed to ensure zero pitching moment, which causes additional drag and reduces the benefit of ASO remarkably. This article proposes an efficient global ASO method that directly enforces a zero pitching moment constraint. A free-form deformation (FFD) parameterization combing Laplacian smoothing method is implemented to parameterize a full aircraft configuration and ensure sufficiently smooth aerodynamic shapes. Reynolds-averaged Navier?Stokes (RANS) equations are solved to simulate transonic viscous flows. A surrogate-based multi-round optimization strategy is used to drive ASO towards the global optimum. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we adopt two design optimization strategies for the NASA Common Research Model (CRM) wing?body?tail configuration. The first strategy is to optimize the configuration without considering balance of pitching moment, and then manually trim the optimized configuration by deflecting the horizontal tail. The second one is to directly enforce the zero pitching moment constraint in the optimization model and take the deflection angle of the horizontal tail as an additional design variable. Results show that: (1) for the first strategy, about 4-count drag-reducing benefits would be lost when manually trimming the optimal configuration; (2) the second strategy can achieve 3.2-count more drag-reducing benefits than the first strategy; (3) compared with gradient-based optimization (GBO), surrogate-based optimization (SBO) is more efficient than GBO for ASO problems with around 80 design variables, and the benefit of ASO achieved by SBO is comparable to that obtained by GBO.