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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 7 Par: 5 (2020)  /  Artículo

Unsteady Lift Prediction with a Higher-Order Potential Flow Method

Julia A. Cole    
Mark D. Maughmer    
Goetz Bramesfeld    
Michael Melville and Michael Kinzel    


An unsteady formulation of the Kutta?Joukowski theorem has been used with a higher-order potential flow method for the prediction of three-dimensional unsteady lift. This study describes the implementation and verification of the approach in detail sufficient for reproduction by future developers. Verification was conducted using the classical responses to a two-dimensional airfoil entering a sharp-edged gust and a sinusoidal gust with errors of less than 1% for both. The method was then compared with the three-dimensional unsteady lift response of a wing as modeled in two unsteady vortex-lattice methods. Results showed agreement in peak lift coefficient prediction to within 1% and 7%, respectively, and mean agreement within 0.25% for the full response.

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