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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Suggestions for Criteria to Evaluate Lateral-Directional Nonlinear Pilot-Induced Oscillations Due to Fly-by-Wire Civil Aircraft Landing Configuration Switch

Lixin Wang    
Chang Lu    
Tao Jin    
Hailiang Liu and Ting Yue    


Using a nonlinear pilot-induced oscillation prediction method based on digital virtual flight simulation calculations, digital experiments on predicting lateral-directional nonlinear pilot-induced oscillations due to landing configuration switching of fly-by-wire civil aircraft with different closed-loop dynamic characteristics are carried out. It is proposed that the lateral-directional pilot-induced oscillations due to the landing configuration switch can be evaluated using the changes in dynamic characteristic parameters before and after the configuration switch. The quantitative boundaries of the dynamic characteristic parameters of an example aircraft are determined, and a criterion suggestion is formed to predict the lateral-directional nonlinear pilot-induced oscillations due to landing configuration switching. This study provides a reference for the optimal design of the lateral-directional flight control law of fly-by-wire aircraft during the approach stage and provides suggestions for the formulation of evaluation criteria for other nonlinear pilot-induced oscillation phenomena.

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