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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Aeroelasticity Model for Highly Flexible Aircraft Based on the Vortex Lattice Method

Mindaugas Dagilis and Sigitas Kilikevicius    


With the increasing use of composite materials in aviation, structural aircraft design often becomes limited by stiffness, rather than strength. As a consequence, aeroelastic analysis becomes more important to optimize both aircraft structures and control algorithms. A low computational cost aeroelasticity model based on VLM and rigid-body dynamics is proposed in this work. UAV flight testing is performed to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model. Two flight sections are chosen to be modeled based on recorded aerodynamic surface control data. The calculated accelerations are compared with recorded flight data. It is found that the proposed model adequately captures the general flight profile, with acceleration peak errors between -6.2% and +8.4%. The average relative error during the entire flight section is 39% to 44%, mainly caused by rebounds during the beginning and end of pull-up maneuvers. The model could provide useful results for the initial phases of aircraft control law design when comparing different control algorithms.

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