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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Condition-Based Maintenance in Aviation: Challenges and Opportunities

Wim J. C. Verhagen    
Bruno F. Santos    
Floris Freeman    
Paul van Kessel    
Dimitrios Zarouchas    
Theodoros Loutas    
Richard C. K. Yeun and Iryna Heiets    


Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) is a policy that uses information about the health condition of systems and structures to identify optimal maintenance interventions over time, increasing the efficiency of maintenance operations. Despite CBM being a well-established concept in academic research, the practical uptake in aviation needs to catch up to expectations. This research aims to identify challenges, limitations, solution directions, and policy implications related to adopting CBM in aviation. We use a generalizable and holistic assessment framework to achieve this aim, following a process-oriented view of CBM development as an aircraft lifecycle management policy. Based on various inputs from industry and academia, we identified several major sets of challenges and suggested three primary solution categories. These address data quantity and quality, CBM implementation, and the integration of CBM with future technologies, highlighting future research and practice directions.

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