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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Characteristics of Vortices around Forward Swept Wing at Low Speeds/High Angles of Attack

Masahiro Kanazaki and Nao Setoguchi    


The forward-swept wing (FSW), one of the wing planforms used in aircraft, is known for its high performance in reducing wave drag. Additionally, a study has shown that this wing planform can mitigate sonic booms, which pose a significant challenge to achieving supersonic transport (SST). Therefore, FSW is expected to find applications in future SST aircraft owing to aerodynamic advantages at high speeds. However, there is a lack of sufficient knowledge and systematization to improve aerodynamic performance at low speeds and high angles of attack during takeoff and landing. These are crucial for practical implementation. Although the aerodynamic benefits of an FSW in high-speed flight can be harnessed using advanced structural and control technologies, the realization of SST using an FSW is challenging without enhanced research on low-speed aerodynamics. This study explores the practical aerodynamic knowledge of FSWs. We utilized a numerical simulation based on the Navier?Stokes equation and focused on investigating wake vortex phenomena. Our simulation included various wing planforms, including backward-swept wings (BSWs). The results revealed the presence of vortices with lateral axes emanating from the FSW, while longitudinal vortices were observed in the BSW. Based on these results, we developed a theoretical hypothesis for the vortex structure around an FSW.

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