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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 9 (2023)  /  Artículo

Preliminary Analysis of the Performance of an Electric Supersonic Propeller

Jens Kunze and Allan Paull    


A preliminary aerodynamic and thermodynamic analysis of a supersonic propeller driven by an electric motor is performed. The analysis is aimed at determining whether such a system is feasible and further and more detailed investigation is warranted. Recent progress in electric energy storage and motors, as well as high temperature and lightweight materials, has opened up the design space for a large number of applications. Electrically powered flight and propellers are among these applications. This study shows that very good aerodynamic and propulsive efficiencies can be achieved with this combination. In this paper, the design space of supersonic propeller blades is explored and the effect of a number of design parameters on the blade efficiency is shown. Further analysis is performed to demonstrate that reasonable efficiency can be achieved at flight Mach numbers from two to six between 15 and 35 km altitude. Finally, a mission-based propeller design study is performed to demonstrate practical system performance and show trade-offs between different parameters.

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