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The Form in Formal Thought Disorder: A Model of Dyssyntax in Semantic Networking

Farshad Badie and Luis M. Augusto    


Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a clinical mental condition that is typically diagnosable by the speech productions of patients. However, this has been a vexing condition for the clinical community, as it is not at all easy to determine what ?formal? means in the plethora of symptoms exhibited. We present a logic-based model for the syntax?semantics interface in semantic networking that can not only explain, but also diagnose, FTD. Our model is based on description logic (DL), which is well known for its adequacy to model terminological knowledge. More specifically, we show how faulty logical form as defined in DL-based Conception Language (CL) impacts the semantic content of linguistic productions that are characteristic of FTD. We accordingly call this the dyssyntax model.

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