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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 11 (2023)  /  Artículo

Experimental Study on Optimum Design of Aircraft Icing Detection Based on Large-Scale Icing Wind Tunnel

Liang Ding    
Xian Yi    
Zhanwei Hu and Xiangdong Guo    


Icing detection is the premise and basis for the operation of aircraft icing protection system, and is the primary issue in flight safety assurance. At present, there is a lack of research methods and design reference for the layout optimization of ice detectors. Therefore, in order to simulate the real icing environment encountered by the aircraft more accurately, a large-scale icing wind tunnel was used to carry out experimental research on the icing characteristics of the sensor probes. A closed-loop experimental method including the typical condition selection, sensor array interference examination and ice shape repeatability verification was initially proposed. A stepwise optimization process and a sensitivity analysis on ambient conditions were combined to determine the optimal distribution for sensor installation. It is found that the water collection coefficient on the cylinder surface of the probe first increases and then decreases along the axial direction, reaching the extreme value at a certain position. The height of this extreme point will gradually increase with the development of the wall boundary layer, showing a variation range of 2~30 mm. Improper design may cause the sensor probe to fail to capture the point with the maximum icing thickness, affecting the sensitivity of icing detection. In addition, each probe position has different sensitivity to changes in flow parameters; the points with larger icing mass and lower sensitivity to changes in attack angle will have better detection effect. The measured data and analysis in the present work can provide a basis for the accurate design of icing sensor probes.

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