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Managing time for managers

Merle E. Ace    


AbstractAlthough managers are often concerned about their use of time to get more done, there are even more compelling reasons for the effective use of time. Time is important from the perspectives of health, of employee work performance, and of new products. Managers waste time in many ways, including the confusion of activity with results, lack of planning, doing it yourself, misusing an open-door policy, and use of managerial shortcuts. If people want to make better use of their time, they must first admit that most of their time management problems are of their own making. These 'internal' time wasters include failure to set goals and priorities, the tendency to procrastinate, and lack of proper delegation. External time wasters, caused by outside forces, include meetings, the telephone, and interruptions. It is difficult for people to accurately assess their use of time, however, and to pinpoint their time management problems. A time log is suggested as an objective means of doing so. Excessive use of a managerial style can lead to time traps. Successful time management is successful self-management, and that means the exercise of self-discipline.Bestuurders is dikwels oor hul tydbesteding besorg in 'n poging om meer gedaan te kry, maar daar is selfs belangriker redes wat die doeltreffende benutting van tyd noodsaak. Tyd is belangrik gesien vanuit die oogpunte van gesondheid, werkverrigting deur werknemers en nuwe produkte. Bestuurders mors op baie maniere tyd, byvoorbeeld weens verwarring tussen aktiwiteit en resultate, gebrek aan beplanning, alles-self-doen, misbruik van 'n oop-deur beleid en gebruik van bestuurskortpaaie. As bestuurders hulle tyd beter wil benut, moet hulle eers erken dat hulle die meeste van hulle tydbestuursprobleme self veroorsaak. Hierdie 'interne' tydmorsers sluit o.a. 'n gebrek aan bepaling van doelwitte en prioriteite, die neiging om uit te stel en gebrek aan behoorlike delegering in. Eksterne tydmorsers wat deur buitefaktore veroorsaak word, sluit vergaderings, die telefoon en onderbrekings in. Mense vind dit egter moeilik om hulle gebruik van tyd akkuraat te beoordeel en om hul eie tydbestuursprobleme vas te stel. 'n Tydbestedingskaart word voorgestel as 'n objektiewe manier om dit te doen. Oormatige gebruik van 'n bestuurstyl kan lei tot tydslaggate. Suksesvolle tydsbestuur is suksesvolle selfbestuur, en dit beteken die beoefening van selfdissipline.

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