The assumption of successful marketing communication within the service sector is the establishment of two-way interactive communication between service users and service companies. The aim of the strategy of marketing communication is attracting new users, but also retaining the existing users of services and establishing long-term relations with them. A successful achievement of the aim of marketing communication requires that the marketing message is created according to the characteristics and preferences of the target audience. The role of marketing communication differs depending on the stage of the selling process. During the pre-purchase stage, the aim of marketing communication is to inform potential users so that they could create preferences towards the company?s offer. By applying the adequate forms of marketing communication during the stage of using the service, the company tends to explain to and introduce users to the process of servicing and to provide support in solving the occurring problems. The confirmation of users? positive impressions and the resolution of possible problems which can occur during the process of service provision represent the aim of marketing communication during the post-purchase stage.