In India the private label brands (PLBs) are growing at a faster pace than retail. This supposes that PLBs should have brand equity. Although brand equity is one of the most important aspects of a brand in creating competitive advantage, earlier studies have not paid much attention to measuring and conceptualising the factors influencing the brand equity of private label brands. Many researches have looked into the consumer based brand equity (CBBE) of national brands only and hence this study was taken up to examine the dimensions of consumer based brand equity for private label brands including the impact of store image on brand equity.An empirical study was done considering survey instrument from previous study of Girard et al. (2017). The data was collected during December 2016 ? January 2017 and SPSS and AMOS were used for analysing data.This study found that Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Perceived Image, Perceived Value, Perceived Risk, Store Image and Price are the seven dimensions that build into the brand equity of the private label brands.