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Die gestremde as werknemer: Werkgewerperspektief

Rene Uys    
N. P. Du Preez    


AbstractAn extensive research project with a response rate of 35% was undertaken under various companies in South Africa. The purpose of the project was to determine the attitude of employers in the open labour market towards disableds as employees. The researchers also wanted to determine the extend whereto disableds are employed within the labour market, as well as what their application and work successes are. In addition the research will focus on the various disabilities, and persons' abilities, training and expectations. The viewpoint of the research project is that today in the era of self-determination handicapped people do not want to be hired because they are handicapped. Nor do they want to be denied a job because of their handicap. Rather, they want to be treated as any other person. They want an equal chance to demonstrate their abilities and to live up to their potential. They want equal access to education, training and employment. They want to prove that they are people who can do the work and they want others to stop thinking about their handicapping condition.'n Omvangryke navorsingsprojek, waarop die responskoers 35% was, is in samewerking met ondernemings in Suid-Afrika gedoen. Die doel was om te bepaal wat die gesindheid van die werkgewer in die ope-arbeidsmark teenoor die gestremde as werknemer is. Die navorsers wou ook bepaal tot watter mate gestremdes in die ope-arbeidsmark in diens geneem word, die mate van hulle aanwending en wat hul werkprestasies is. Daar word gepoog om te bepaal wat die onderskeie gestremdhede en persone se vermoens, vaardighede, opleiding en bepaalde verwagtinge is. Die uitgangspunt van die navorsingsprojek is dat die gestremde in vandag se 'gelykegeleenthede-omgewing' nie in diens geneem wil word omdat hulle gestremd is nie, maar hulle wil ook nie 'n pos geweier word as gevolg van hul gestremdheid nie. Hulle wil eerder op dieselfde wyse as alle ander werknemers hanteer word. Hulle wit gelyke geleenthede he om hulle vermoens en vaardighede uit te leef en om hulle potensiaal ten voile te benut. Hulle wit gelyke geleenthede tot opvoeding, opleiding en indiensname he. Hulle wil bewys dat hulle wel die werk kan doen en hulle wil he dat ander moet ophou konsentreer op hul gestremdheid en dit wat hulle nie kan doen nie.

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