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Groei- en oorlewingstrategie vir boerderyondernemings

André Louw    


AbstractGrowth and survival strategies for farming enterprises. The cost-push inflation situation during recent years has forced the farmer to consider the survival objective to be as important as the growth objective. These objectives are related. Any farming enterprise should endeavour to increase its survival capacity. Both an increase in the ability to survive and improved profitability are therefore necessary. Strategic planning gives guidelines to management. Strategic financial decision making is equally important. The financial components that have a substantial influence on the continued existence of the firm are its profitability, amount of non-equity capital used, the cost of that capital as well as tax rate and consumption propensity. The financial risks attached to higher non-equity capital and the resultant fixed obligations can cause liquidity problems, which are aggravated by the present inflation situation. Possible growth strategies considered are borrowing fixed capital and buying working capital with credit; investing assets that appreciate in value and attracting outside equity. cash management and planning are important aspects. Strategies during periods when agriculture experiences financial difficulties concentrate on cost and cash control as well as on higher productivity.Kostedrukinflasietoestande van die afgelope jare het die boerdery-ondernemer gedwing om die oorlewingsdoelwit gelyk aan die groeidoelwit te stel. Hierdie doelwitte hou egter verband met mekaar. Boerdery-ondernemings moet daarna streef om oorlewingskapasiteit te verbeter, dus is 'n toename in die vermoe om te oorlewe, sowel as 'n verbetering in rentabiliteit nodig. Strategiese beplanning gee riglyne aan die bestuur. Ook is strategiese finansiele besluitneming belangrik. Finansiele komponente wat invloed op die onderneming se voortbestaan het, is winsgewendheid, hoeveelheid vreemde kapitaal gebruik, kapitaalkoste, belastingkoerse en verbruikersgeneigdheid. Die finansiele risiko wat met verhoogde vreemde kapitaal en dus vaste verpligtinge gepaard gaan, kan likiditeitsprobleme skep wat deur die huidige inflasiesituasie vererger word. Groeistrategiee wat oorweeg word is die huur van vaste kapitaal, verkryging van vlottende kapitaal deur middel van krediet, belegging in waarde-appresierende bates sowel as die aantrekking van eie kapitaal van buite. Kontantbestuur en -beplanning is belangrike aspekte. Strategiee wat tydens finansiele drukperiodes in die landbou gevolg kan word, konsentreer op koste- en kontantkontrole en hoer produktiwiteit.

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