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Patterns of turbulence and stability: Towards a dynamic sociotechnical model of technological change

D. A.L. Coldwell    


AbstractA major problem in the introduction of technological change is that a basically beneficial technology can be rejected, or rendered less effective, because workers perceive it as being counter to their interests. This article outlines the fluctuation in workers' attitudes towards the introduction of a technological innovation on a gold mine. Utilizing data obtained from three separate investigations conducted over a two-year period, a tentative, empirically based, dynamic model of technological change is generated. The model suggests that certain pre-emptive steps can be taken by management to maximize the chances of success in the implementation of technical innovations.By die invoering van tegnologiese verandering is 'n wesenlike probleem dat 'n tegnologie wat fundamenteel voordelig is, verwerp kan word, of minder doeltreffend kan funksioneer, omdat werknemers dit as teenstrydig met hulle belange sien. Hierdie artikel skets die wisseling in die houdings van werknemers ten opsigte van die invoering van 'n tegnologiese verandering op 'n goudmyn. Deur gebruik te maak van gegewens wat ingewin is gedurende drie afsonderlike ondersoeke, uitgevoer oor 'n tydperk van twee jaar, is 'n voorlopige, empiriesgefundeerde, dinamiese model vir tegnologiese verandering ontwikkel. Die model doen aan die hand dat sekere voorkomende stappe deur bestuur gedoen kan word om maksimale kanse vir die suksesvolle implementering van tegnologiese veranderings te verseker.

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