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Location and regional productive specialization in Colombia

Henry Antonio Mendoza Tolosa    
Jacobo Campo Robledo    


This document is directed to responding if Colombian regional economies restructured their productive activities from 2000 to 2014, and if so, illustrate the way that process has been effective in the different departments from the results and dynamics of their economic activities. For developing this exercise, we used a set of statistical indicators of spatial geography, among which is the factorial analysis, specifically the method of principal components, whose purpose was to identify the set activities whose performance explains more clearly the productive orientation of the departments, and complementary synthetic regional specialization indexes were employed in order to identify the degree and the changes of economic diversification, presented in those indicators. The results of this research shows that most of the Colombian regions have diversified their economic activity, with focus on service activities, among which are representative government and non-market services produced by those institutions, nowadays less dependent on few sources of growth. However, in other regions the primary sector, mainly mining activity, for many years has been the most important activity of production structures, affecting the process of full diversification, which is close to current local demands and international economic order the requests with greater intensity.

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