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Training workers and reducing the rate of accidents: A proposal inspired by the chronic care model

Ximena Ferrada    
Patricia Masalan    
Margarita Guarello    
Paulina Núñez    


The construction field has an accident rate higher than those of other industries. Due to this fact, a bibliographical study was carried out in order to put forward innovative training methodologies in occupational health and safety as a means of reducing accident rates. A single methodology that ensures successful results over others could not be identified; however different safety training methodologies were identified that have been implemented within the construction industry. Since the issue of accident rates is a chronic problem in construction, the main contribution presented by this research is the application of a chronic care model used in healthcare to the construction industry. In this application, the foreman act as the linchpin in the system; it also considers technical and motivational training for the support team, especially those who work on-site, in order to cement the new lessons and the behavioral change. 

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