This study aimed to (1) develop a suitable learning device of Jemparingan Tradition-based (JEMASIK) Android-assisted (2) to know the effect of JEMASIK-based media to improve the representation ability of graphical and vector in sub-chapter of parabolic motion vector. The total sample on field test trial were 61 students, consisted of 29 control class students and 31 experimental class students. The research results showed that there were differences between experimental classes using JEMASIK and control classes using Power Point media. The difference was proved by multivariate test score of 0.000 less than 0.05. The effectiveness of JEMASIK media was viewed by the gain score of pretest and posttest. The gain score of control class was 0.54 in graphical representation and 0.49 in vector representation. Meanwhile, the gain score of experimental class was 0.75 in graphical representation and 0.60 in vector representation.