Capitalism is a trans historical socio-political system of production that cannot disappear because it has a power of recovery, meaning that it absorbs within its structural logic any new input that tries to affect it. One of the most essential principles of capitalism lies in the need for markets to enjoy social legitimacy because their political sustainability ultimately depends on it. International markets can be legitimized only if the State reconciles them to social values and to shared institutional practices and this happens multilaterally. Hence, a new capitalism is needed. In this line, this paper elaborates the so called capitalism of responsibility, a form that considers the structural triad of Civil Society?State?Market (CS?S?M) as an ensemble that has a transformative power. The sketching of the capitalism of participative responsibility has a nomothetic endeavour. It does not aim to describe different singularities, because the effective character of the future capitalism is hard to predict, but aims to elaborate generalities that can be used for policy prescriptions, by taking into account the dynamics of our times. Keywords; Global financial crisis, Market capitalism, civil society, tradeable energy, Dodd-Frank Act