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Some thoughts on systems in management

K. Sandrock    


AbstractIn order to deal successfully with planning and decision-making, managers have come to make extensive use of scientific problem-solving disciplines. Now a well-defined problem can come to a satisfactory solution. Indeed, the difficulty lies in trying to determine exactly what the real problems are, and to stop focusing on their symptoms. In this respect, classical methods of using technology are not adequate to deal with complex situations. What is required is a change in the approach to the examination of problem areas. It is suggested that thinking should be navigated away from the deliberate narrowing down of the area of concern (reductionism), towards a richer, and broader systemic orientation. In order to structure problem situations at this meta-level, the concepts of systems engineering can be of value. This article attempts to illustrate briefly in what respects the systems approach differs from classical technique oriented approaches; and how systems thinking may be used in dealing with situations in which there are many considerations.Met die oog op geslaagde hantering van beplanning en besluitneming, maak bestuurders in die jongste tyd op groot skaal gebruik van wetenskaplike dissiplines vir probleemoplossing. Nou kan 'n goed-gedefinieerde probleem tot by 'n bevredigende oplossing kom. Daar moet bepaal word wat die werklike probleme is, en nie op simptome gekonsentreer word nie. In hierdie opsig is klassieke metodes van tegnologieaanwending nie voldoende om komplekse situasies te hanteer nie. Wat benodig word, is 'n verandering in die benadering tot die ondersoek van probleemgebiede. Dit word voorgestel dat die dinkproses weggestuur moet word van die doelbewuste venouing van die area van ondersoek (reduksionisme) in die rigting van 'n ryker, en breer sistemiese orientasie. Ten einde probleemsituasies op hierdie meta-vlak te struktureer, kan die konsepte van die sisteembenadering van waarde wees. Hierdie artikel poog om aan te toon in watter opsigte die sisteembenadering van klassieke tegniek- georienteerde benaderings verskil; en hoe sisteemdenke gebruik kan word in die hantering van situasies wat kompleks is.

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