El presente artículo estudia y analiza los principales aspectos contenidos en el Programa de Ordenamiento Ecológico Costero de Yucatán (POETCY) para el municipio de Progreso (Yucatán), sus disposiciones y políticas en pro del desarrollo social para las comunidades costeras, así como la explicación de los objetivos contenidos en él, que lo proyectan como un instrumento de política ambiental en el municipio, para la protección de los recursos naturales y del medio físico de la costa yucateca, como también del desarrollo integral de sus habitantes.AbstractThe following work studies and analyzes the main content in the Coastal Ecological Management Program of Yucatan (CEMPY) to the municipality of Progreso (Yucatan). The provisions and policies for social development for coastal communities, as well as explaining the objectives contained in it, projecting it as an instrument of environmental policy in the municipality, for the protection of natural resources and the environment physicist of the Yucatecan coast as well as the overall improvement of the inhabitants. Similarly, describe the elements and activities contained in the program, in other words, the historical and political context in which it arises, leading indicators and targets. In this regard, two assessment models to meet compliance and implementation of policies and legal provisions contained proposed.Keywords: assessment, ecological ordinance, Yucatecan coast