Infancy and the toddler is the most excellent time to receive the nutrition, the better the nutrition obtained, the better the child's physical development, especially brain development. To meet the nutrition, Air Susu Ibu (ASI) is a food that is first and foremost for children aged 0-6 months. However, after the age of 6 months following the growth and development of children, breast milk alone is no longer sufficient nutritional requirements, therefore children should be given MPASI (Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu). One dairy products have a good market is a formula. Decision Support Systems made in this study can make a recommendation on dairy products in accordance with the desired nutritional content. The criteria used in this system is the taste, price criteria, and the criteria for nutrient content. Focusing on the nutrient content criteria which includes AA and DHA, prebiotics and probiotics, Lactoferrin / Beta-carotene, Omega 3 and Omega 6, Protein, Fat, Energy, and Vitamin. The ratio of interest criteria is processed by using AHP taken its weight. The weights are derived from the AHP and calculated by WP method to obtain a list of recommended milk. Keywords : Decision Support Systems, Toddler Formula Milk, AHP, WP.