Full-service restaurants serve different types of customers with preconceived ideas about what they want and expect to receive from the restaurant. During the dining experience, each customer experiences the service differently and subconsciously evaluates the experience differently. The purpose of this research is to determine the expectations and perceptions of customers regarding service quality sub-dimensions at Full-Service Restaurants (FSRs). A self-administered survey of employees at a tertiary academic institution revealed that waiter professionalism, lack of individual attention, long waiting periods and stock-outs in FSRs are the most important concerns when it comes to the expectations of service quality. The findings of this study analysed a demographic profile (gender, age, home language, highest education qualification, LSM groups) and it was found that demographic category groups differ in the way that they perceive service quality. The study reveals that males tend to be less critical than women, LSM 9 respondents are less critical than LSM 10 respondents and respondents with an undergraduate degree or less are less critical than respondents with a post-graduate degree. The study also reveals a strong correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction. Recommendations include that management must focus on pricing strategies, strategic marketing, waiter training and the flow of communication between the restaurant and the customer. The recommendations made in this study will assist management of FSRs to understand the significance of high-quality service and to implement the required levels of service quality. With this knowledge, the management of FSRs can be assured of a satisfied customer and a competitive offering.