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'n Vergelyking van die persepsies van die relatiewe belang van evalueringskriteria tussen verbruikers en verkoopskonsultante by die aankoop van 'n passasiersmotorvoertuig

P. J. Du Plessis    
C. Boshoff    


AbstractThe acceptance of the marketing concept and the implementation of the principles on which it is based presupposes a thorough knowledge of market needs. If the marketing concept is applied at retail level in the South African motor industry, one should be able to assume that there is a high degree of agreement regarding the perceptions of consumers and sales personnel of what is important to a purchaser when buying a motor vehicle. The validity of this statement was tested by means of the following null-hypothesis: There is no difference with regard to the relative importance attached to different evaluation criteria between consumers and sales personnel, with the purchase of a passenger vehicle. Information provided by 902 consumers and 200 sales personnel revealed that significant differences (p < 0,01) exist between the two groups with regard to 35 evaluation criteria and a further four criteria on the 0,05 level. The null-hypothesis is thus rejected with regard to 39 evaluation criteria in favour of the alternate hypothesis.

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