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Flood forecasting in Blue Nile basin using a process-based hydrological model

Osama R Abdel-Aziz    


Predictions of variations in global and regional hydrological cycles and their response to changes in climate and the environment are key problems for future human life. Therefore, basin-scale hydrological forecasts, along with predictions regarding future climate change, are needed in areas with high flood potential. This study forecasts hydrological process scenarios in Blue Nile basin using a distributed hydrological model (DHM) and predicted scenarios of precipitation from two general circulation models, CCSM3 model and Miroc3.2-hires. Firstly, river discharge was simulated by the DHM using the observed rainfall from 1976 to 1979 and then, simulating future precipitations from 2011 to 2040, discharge scenarios were predicted. DOI: International Journal of Environment Vol.3(1) 2014: 10-21

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