Eye movements are briefly defined as a result of a cognitive and perceptual relationship. For this reason, eye tracking technology is accepted as a powerful neuromarketing technique that can be used for many cognitive processes such as verbal data processing, memory, attention, social cognition and decision making. Being able to analyze eye maps while consumers are looking at products and advertisements during the purchasing process, are going to make marketing communication elements more effective and as a result buying behavior can mostly be predicted. This study is designed in Eskisehir Osmangazi University Behavioral Science and Biometric Measurement Laboratory with 20 participants who follow the online news. Our study is based on the hypothesis that advertising via contextual marketing perspective can attract more attention to the given ads by the target audience. In the experiment stage, eye tracking technique was used to collect participants' fixations, scan paths, and saccades data. Our results (consistent with the related literature); attention levels to the advertisements used in the context are higher than the ones which were not used in the context.