In todayâ??s era, there has been heightened awarenessthat job stress contributes to a significant portion of workercompensation claims, health-care cost, disability, absenteeismand productivity loss. Chair stress is a significant and costlyproblem, and that the challenge for all banks to manage workstress in order to reduce health-care cost and improvesproductivity. The important role of occupational health has longbeen highlighted by world health organization. Work plays acentral role in the lives of many people and thus the impact of jobstress is an important issue both for individual employees and theorganization for which they work. Although the mechanismsthrough which the work can cause or contribute to illness arecomplex, there is a strong evidence to indicate that stressexperienced at work can have adverse outcomes for the wellbeing of individual employees. Similarly, this paper analyzes themajor causes of stress to the employee of different gender andage group in the Indian banking. It also determines the variousstrategies followed by the employees to remove their stress. Thestudy is based on the primary data and the likert scale is used tomeasure the response of the employees.