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Inicio  /  Journal of Business  /  Vol: 10 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Artículo

Information management as a determinant of success in knowledge management systems

Vidalina De Freitas    
Guillermo Yáber    


Universities, to achieve success and stay competitive, must refine their processes by way of new methods and technologies to enable development and transfer the knowledge they create, utilizing valuable knowledge more productively in academic and learning services; in the management of research projects, community activities, and the student life cycle; and in institutional development, support and administration. An efficient knowledge management system (KMS) is an important strategy for helping universities to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. However, many have embarked upon the KM process without knowing what factors are required for successful KMS implementation. The aim of this article is to explore the influence of information management (IM) as one of the determinants of success in KMS implementation, particularly at the Universidad Simón Bolívar, a public institution located in Caracas, Venezuela. The design we employ is exploratory rather than experimental. We take a deductive approach, based on a quantitative method, and employ a questionnaire for data collection. Our sample is made up of 96 participants (academic and support staff). We concludes by acknowledging the importance of IM as a success factor for effective KM, with the participation of different actors in the decision-making process.

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