The devolved system of governance was adopted to ensure development in all regions and effectiveness in service delivery for all Kenyans. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the consensus orientation practices on the performance of county governments in Kenya. The study used a descriptive and explanatory cross-sectional survey method. The unit of analysis was the county government. The counties in which data was collected helped in the generalization of findings to all the Kenyan 47 counties. For this study, a sample of 354 was arrived at. A simple random sampling method was adopted for selecting the respondents. The study used a questionnaire for the collection of primary data. Data analysis was done with the help of a statistical analysis program. Frequencies and descriptive statistics were obtained for the study?s variables and this information was presented in graphs and frequency tables. Inferential statistics included regression analysis that was used to test the significance between dependent and the independent variables. The researcher observed respondents? rights to privacy and safety. The study established that consensus orientation had a significant influence on the performance of county governments in Kenya and concluded that consensus orientation influences the performance of county governments in Kenya. The study recommends that Governors need to sensitize county directors to work in consultation with other stakeholders to ensure that all feel part of the developmental agenda for the county. There is a need for county governments to set effective regulations through the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority to regulate and shape the county?s procurement procedures.