Indie music is an independent music and abbreviated, usually called with indie music. Indie music is music produced independently. The large number of indie bands in Indonesia encouraged the establishment of a wide range of event organizer company, record label, a web zine, recently appeared as a promotional media container for indie bands in Indonesia. The number of local indie band promo media currently still turned out a lot less compared to foreign media promo. Indie music needs the information system media android-based indie music promo, so able to do data processing that is associated with the process media promo indie music, including indie band data, music data, video data, news, indie music, indie bands as well as join with user comments and ratings. Information System Media Promo Android-Based Indie Music built using descriptive method with this type of case study research area Indie Band Solo and beyond. The technique analysis of the weaknesses of the system using analysis PIECES (Perfomance, Information, Economy, Efficiency, and Cotrol, Service). For system development techniques using the method waterfall, while to describe the flow of data using UML (usecase diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram and class diagram). The software used to build the system Android Studio and XAMPP as a connection to the MySQL database. Based on the testing that has been done using blackbox testing, systems that are built can help the issues facing Indie music Solo and the surrounding area.Keywords: Indie Music, Promos, Media Information System Android Studio