Thailand is an emerging economy in SoutheastAsia and is seen as an attractive destination for foreigninvestment. This has led to an increasing number ofexpatriates coming on work assignments to Thailand. Moststudies on cross-cultural adjustment thus far haveemployed expatriates from western countries as sampleswhereas studies on Indian expatriatesâ?? adjustment arelimited. The purpose of this paper is to examine crucialantecedents of cross-cultural adjustment of Indianexpatriates working in Thailand. Specifically the studyfocuses on the relationship between five independentvariables, namely, job satisfaction, family support,learning orientation, organization socialization, crossculturaltraining and the dependent variable, crossculturaladjustment. The study employed quantitativeresearch design with a self-administered questionnairesurvey to collect data from 334 Indian expatriates workingin multinational and privately-owned organizations inThailand. Pearson Correlation Coefficient and MultipleRegression as statistical tools to analyze the data from thesurvey. The findings revealed that job satisfaction is thestrongest predictor of cross-cultural adjustment of Indianexpatriates followed by family support. Organizationsemploying Indian expatriates in Thailand need to haveeffective human resource policies and practices forsocialization, communication and training so as to ensuresmoother adjustment and successful completion of theassignment on the part of these expatriates.