This study examines fishery trade flows between Japan and Turkey, in order to identify existing trade patterns and look for potential business opportunities. In 2011, the total fish trade from Japan to Turkey was at its highest value ever, approximately USD 49.6 million; this number represents impressive growth, given that the value in 2000 was just over USD 12 million. Turkey and Japan are each surrounded by water, and both possess rich inland water resources; both countries also have high catching and production capacities. By correctly using these resources and placing even more importance on marketing activities abroad, the exports of both countries can surely rise. According to the information captured during our interviews, pacific salmon, skipjack tuna, sardine, and yellowfin tuna sales may indirectly contribute to the creation of new jobs, by expanding Japans trade with Turkey; participants also said that trout, sea bass, sea bream, and mussel sales could expand Turkeys trade with Japan.