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Assessing the Solar Radiation Quantity of High-Rise Residential Areas in Typical Layout Patterns: A Case in North-East China

Ming Lu    
Yan Zhang    
Jun Xing and Wenda Ma    


With the development of energy-saving and emission-reduction, solar energy as a clean energy with excellent characteristics has bright prospects for development and application in residential environment with high energy consumption. With the intensification of land use, there are more and more high-rise residential areas in the city. If the residential construction becomes more compact, the solar radiation of the buildings will be in loss. Therefore, there may exist some restrictive relationship between the residential layout patterns and the solar radiation quantity. Through the multiple response frequency analysis method of SPSS, the study summarizes three typical high-rise residential layout patterns, which are parallel determinant, non-parallel determinant and three-sided enclosure. The Autodesk Ecotect is used to simulate the solar radiation quantity of each building roof and south facade. Last, obtain the relationship between the residential layout index and the solar radiation quantity. The results show that there actually exists certain correlativity between solar radiation quantity and floor area ratio, building density and building height; meanwhile, each annual solar radiation quantity changed by residential layout index has its own variable curve. The results also indicate that three-sided enclosure layout pattern has greater solar radiation potential than parallel determinant and non-parallel determinant. By summarizing the corresponding conclusions, the optimal mode of high-rise settlements with high solar radiation is explored, which can provide reference for further residential planning.

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