The subject matter is the issue of managing the content and schedule of a construction project. The goal of the article is to build structural models that determine the sequence and interrelation of works (and operations) of construction projects. The following tasks were solved: a model of the processes of project schedule management was built, a hierarchical structure of a construction project was developed taking into account the operation level, a precedence diagram was constructed for the level of works and operations. The following methods were used: the project approach, process modelling using IDEF0 diagrams, decomposition methods, the method of a precedence diagram. The following results were obtained: the processes for managing the schedule of a project according to the PMBoK standard were analyzed, their features with were considered with reference to construction projects, as a result, a model of processes for managing construction project schedules presented in IDEF0 notation was built; the level of operations of the hierarchical structure of a construction project was considered; the factors of an enterprise that affect the list of operations were indicated; to compose operations, the decomposition method was used; the WBS-structure of the portfolio of construction projects, including three levels of hierarchy, was supplemented with the fourth level ? operations; the examples of some elements of the specified sets of construction project operations were given; the method of precedence diagrams was chosen for determining the sequence of operations; a precedence diagram which indicates inputs and outputs was constructed for the level of the structure operations; a precedence diagram for the level of operations of the project structure was also built in the context of the task of the project documentation development. Conclusions. After establishing the sequence and logical relationship at the level of operations, taking into account the precedence diagram at the level of work, a model of the sequence of a group of operations, groups of work and then the entire project can be built. Taking into consideration the data on the duration of operations, this model will enable assessing the duration of the entire project. This will provide a reliable assessment of resources and the duration of operations. The result will be a project schedule with detailed project content.