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Inicio  /  Moneta e Credito  /  Vol: 69 Núm: N275 Par: 0 (2016)  /  Artículo

Una nota sui contributi di Augusto Graziani e di Paolo Sylos Labini al dibattito sulla natura dell?offerta di moneta (A note on the contributions of Augusto Graziani and Paolo Sylos Labini to the debate on the nature of the money supply)

Stefano Figuera    


The article reconstructs yearly time series of the main monetary aggregates for Italy. It extends extant literature by considering a longer time span (covering from national unity to 2014) and more detailed disaggregation, as well as improve the quality of the series for the older period. Finally, the new series are used to estimate the long-run determinants of money demand.JEL Classification: B14, E51, E52, E58

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