This study aims to find out empirically the effect of Electronic Attendance and Performance Allowance on Discipline and Motivation of Civil Servant (ASN) Work in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Sumatra Province (Case Study of the Administrative Office Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Sumatra Province). While the dependent variable is discipline and work motivation. The research sample was ASN in the Administration Section of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, West Sumatra. Samples were taken with total sampling. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to 68 ASN people in the Administration Section of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, West Sumatra Province. The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis, by testing the statistical test hypothesis t. The results of this study indicate a significant effect of the application of electronic attendance both to discipline and work motivation, as well as performance allowances have a significant influence on the discipline and motivation of ASN work, but the effect of electronic attendance is greater than the effect of performance benefits.